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Refereed Journal Articles

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

  1. Orr, E., Liran, E. & Meyer, J. (1986). Compulsory military service as a challenge and a threat. Israel Social Sciences Research, 4, 5-20.

  2. Orr, E. & Meyer, J. (1990). Disease appraisals as a coping strategy with cancer threat. Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences, 27, 145-159.

  3. Harnash-Glezer, M. & Meyer, J. (1991). Dimensions of satisfaction with collegiate education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 16, 95-107.

  4. Leiser, D., Stern, E. & Meyer, J. (1991). Mean velocity and total time estimation: effects of order and proportions. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 11, 347-358.

  5. Meyer, J. & Shinar, D. (1992). Estimating correlations from scatterplots. Human Factors, 34, 335-349.

  6. Tzelgov, J., Meyer, J. & Henik, A. (1992). Automatic and intentional processing of numerical information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 18, 166-179.

  7. Meyer, J., Bitan, Y. , & Shinar, D. (1995). Displaying a boundary in graphic and symbolic "wait" displays: Duration estimates and users' preferences. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 7, 273-290.

  8. Meyer, J., & Eben-Chaime, M. (1995). Intuitive Inventory Management: An experimental system. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 27, 483-490.

  9. Leiser, D., Doitsch, E. , & Meyer, J. (1996). Mothers' lay models of the causes and treatment of fever. Social Science and Medicine, 43, 379-387.

  10. Meyer, J., & Seagull, F. J. (1996). Where Human Factors meet marketing. Ergonomics in Design, 4(3), 22-25.

  11. Meyer, J., Shinar, D., Bitan, Y. , & Leiser, D. (1996). Duration estimates and users' preferences in human-computer interaction. Ergonomics, 39, 46-60.

  12. Gilat, S. , Meyer, J., Erev, I., & Gopher, D. (1997). Beyond Bayes' Theorem: The effect of base rate information in consensus games. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 3, 83-104.

  13. Meyer, J., Shinar, D., & Leiser, D. (1997). Multiple factors that determine performance with tables and graphs. Human Factors, 39, 268-286.

  14. 14. Meyer, J., Taieb, M., & Flascher, I. (1997). Correlation estimates as psychophysical judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 3, 1-18.

  15. 15. Meyer, J. (1997). A new look at an old study on information display: Washburne (1927) reconsidered. Human Factors, 39, 333-340.

  16. 16. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Leiser, D., & Meyer, J. (1999). Perception of artificial stereoscopic stimuli from an incorrect viewing point. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 1555-1563.

  17. 17. Meyer, J., Kuskin-Shamo, M., & Gopher, D. (1999). Effects of data structure and prior information about the data on the relative efficiency of tables and graphs. Human Factors, 41, 570-587.

  18. Tractinsky, N., & Meyer, J. (1999). “Chartjunk or Goldgraph?” Effects of presentation objective and content desirability on information presentation. MIS Quarterly, 23, 397-420.

  19. Ben-Porat, O., Shoham, M., & Meyer, J. (2000). The effect of hand-controller configuration on task performance in endoscopic tele-operation. Presence, 9, 256-267.

  20. Gopher, D., Itkin, T., Erev, I., Meyer, J., & Armoni, L. (2000). The effect of shared responsibility and competition in perceptual games: A test of a cognitive-game-theoretical extension of signal detection theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 325-341.

  21. Meyer, J. (2000). Performance with tables and graphs: Effects of training and a visual search model. Ergonomics, 43, 1840-1865.

  22. altz, M., & Meyer, J. (2001). Use of warnings in an attentionally demanding detection task. Human Factors, 43, 217-226.

  23. Meyer, J. (2001). Effects of warning validity and proximity on responses to warnings. Human Factors, 43, 563-572.

  24. Reuveni, H., Shvarts, S., Meyer, J., Elhayany, A., & Greenberg, D. (2001). Newspaper advertising by health maintenance organizations during the reform of the health care services in Israel. Israel Medical Association Journal, 3, 422-426.

  25. Tractinsky, N., & Meyer, J. (2001). Task structure and the apparent duration of hierarchical search. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 55, 845-860.

  26. Bereby-Meyer, Y., Meyer, J., & Flascher, O. (2002). Prospect Theory analysis of guessing in multiple choice tests. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 15, 313-327.

  27. Meyer, J., & Bitan, Y. (2002). Why better operators receive worse warnings. Human Factors, 44, 343-354.

  28. ron-Gilad, T., Meyer, J., & Gopher, D. (2002). Monitoring dynamic processes with alphanumeric and graphic displays. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomic Sciences, 2, 368-389.

  29. Uriely, N., & Meyer, J. (2002). Satellite-mediated distance learning in tourism education: An Israeli, Palestinian, French experiment. Journal of Management Sciences and Regional Development, 4, 145-154.

  30. eby-Meyer, Y., Meyer, J., & Budescu, D. V. (2003). Decision making under internal uncertainty: the case of multiple-choice tests with different scoring rules. Acta Psychologica, 112, 207-220.

  31. Meyer, J., Gilat, S. , & Erev, I. (2003). Consensus effects in categorization decisions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 417-428.

  32. Meyer, J. (2004). Conceptual issues in the study of dynamic hazard warnings. Human Factors, 46, 196-204.

  33. itan, Y., Meyer, J., Shinar, D., & Zmora, E. (2004). Nurses’ reactions to alarms in a neonatal intensive care unit. Cognition, Technology and Work, 6, 239-246.

  34. oran, S., & Meyer, J. (2006). Using context effects to increase a leader's advantage: What set of alternatives should be included in the comparison set? International Journal of Research on Marketing, 23, 141-154.

  35. Rafaely, V., Meyer, J., Zilberman-Sandler, I. , & Viener, S. (2006). Perception of traffic risks for older and younger adults. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 38, 1231-1236.

  36. Ben-Bassat, T., Meyer, J., & Tractinsky, N. (2006). Economic and subjective measures of the perceived value of interface aesthetics and usability. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 13, 210-234.

  37. tan, Y., & Meyer, J. (2007). Self-initiated and respondent actions in a simulated control task. Ergonomics, 50, 763-788.

  38. D’Ambrosio, L. A., Donorfio, L., Coughlin, J. F., Mohyde, M., & Meyer, J. (2008). Gender differences in self-regulation patterns and attitudes toward driving among older adults. Journal of Women and Aging, 20 (3/4), 265-282.

  39. Bechar, A., Meyer, J., & Edan, Y. (2009). An objective function to evaluate performance of human-robot collaboration in target recognition tasks. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics – Part C, 39, 611-620.

  40. Porat, T., Oron-Gilad, T., & Meyer, J. (2009). Task dependent processing of tables and graphs. Behaviour and Information Technology, 28 (3), 293-307.

  41. hapira, B., Shoval, P., Meyer, J., Tractinsky, N. (2009). ePaper – a personalized mobile newspaper. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60, 2333-2346.

  42. Vashitz, G., Meyer, J., Parmet, Y., Peleg, R., Goldfarb, D., Porath, A. & Gilutz, H. (2009). Defining and measuring physician's responses to clinical reminders. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 42, 317-326.

  43. Botzer, A., Meyer, J., Bak, P., & Parmet, Y. (2010). Cue threshold settings for binary categorization decisions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 16, 1-15.

  44. avie, T., & Meyer, J. (2010). Benefits and costs of adaptive user interfaces. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, 508-524.

  45. Lavie, T. , Sela, M. , Oppenheim, I. , Inbar, O. , & Meyer, J. (2010). User attitudes towards news content personalization. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68, 483-495.

  46. Bak, P., & Meyer, J. (2011). The effect of user characteristics on the efficiency of visual querying. Behaviour & Information Technology, 30 (6), 809-819.

  47. Lavie, T., Oron-Gilad, T., & Meyer, J. (2011). Aesthetics and usability of navigation displays. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 69, 80-99.

  48. Möller, S., Ben-Asher, N., Engelbrecht, K.-P., Englert, R., & Meyer, J. (2011). Modeling the behavior of users who are confronted with security mechanisms. Computers & Security, 30 (4), 242-256.

  49. Nehmadi, L., Meyer, J., Parmet, Y., & Ben-Asher, N. (2011). Predicting a screen area's perceived importance from spatial and physical attributes. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62 (9), 1829-1838.

  50. Rafaely, V., Manzor, A. , Bar-David, L. , & Meyer, J. (2011). Saving for a rainy day? Comparative optimism about disability in old age. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(5), 1059-1082.

  51. Vashitz, G., Meyer, J., Parmet, Y., Henkin, Y., Peleg, R., & Gilutz, H. (2011a). Physician adherence to the dyslipidemia guidelines is as challenging an issue as patient adherence. Family Practice, 28(5), 524-531.

  52. Vashitz, G., Meyer, J., Parmet, Y., Henkin, Y., Peleg, R. & Gilutz, H. (2011b). Adherence by primary-care physicians to guidelines for the clinical management of dyslipidemia. Israel Medical Association Journal, 13 (November), 657-662.

  53. Shahar, N., Meyer, J., Hildebrandt, M., Rafaely, V. (2012). Detecting system failures from durations and binary cues. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 70, 552-560.

  54. Botzer, A., Meyer, J., & Parmet, Y. (2013). Mental effort in binary categorization aided by binary cues. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 19(1), 39-54.

  55. Antwarg, L., Lavie, T., Shapira, B., Rokach, L., & Meyer, J. (2013). Highlighting items as means of adaptive assistance. Behaviour & Information Technology, 32 (8), 761-777.

  56. Doisy, G., Meyer, J., & Edan, Y. (2014). The impact of human-robot interface design on the use of a learning robot system. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 44, 788-795.

  57. eyer, J., Wiczorek, R., & Günzler, T. (2014). Measures of reliance and compliance in aided visual scanning. Human Factors, 56(5), 840-849.

  58. Schwartz-Chassidim, H., Meyer, J., Parmet, Y., Rogatka, E., & Amzaleg, O. (2014). Perceived density of road maps. Applied Ergonomics, 45, 1579-1587.

  59. Sela, M., Lavie, T., Inbar, O., Oppenheim, I., & Meyer, J. (2015). Personalizing news content: An experimental study. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 66(1), 1-12.

  60. Botzer, A., Meyer, J., Borowsky, A., Gdalyahu, I., & Ben Shalom, Y. (2015). Classification decisions and task-performance strategies in aided decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 21(1), 73-88.

  61. Nehmadi, L., & Meyer, J. (2015). Effects of authentication method and system properties on authentication decisions and performance. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 9(2), 130-148.

  62. Avraham, R., & Meyer, J. (2016). The optimal scope of physicians’ duty to protect patients’ privacy. Minnesota Law Review Headnotes, 100, 30-61.

  63. Botzer, A., Meyer, J., & Parmet, Y. (2016). Effects of cues in a binary categorization task on dual-task performance, mental workload and effort. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 22(3), 350-365.

  64. Gonzalez, C., & Meyer, J. (2016). Integrating trends in decision making research. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 10 (2), 120-122.

  65. Meyer, J., & Sheridan, T. B. (2017). The intricacies of user adjustment of system properties.Human Factors, 59 (6), 901-910. Received the 2018 Ely Human Factors Article Award for best paper in the Human Factors Journal in 2017.

  66. Dong, X., Meyer, J., Shmueli, E., Bozkaya, B., & Pentland, A. (2018). Methods for quantifying effects of social unrest using credit card transaction data. EPJ Data Science, 7(1), 8.

  67. Ben-Asher, N., & Meyer, J. (2018).The Triad of Risk-related Behavior (TriRB): A three-dimensional model of cyber-risk taking. Human Factors, 60(8), 1163-1178. Finalist, Human Factors Award for 2017 (the topic was Cybersecurity).

  68. Meyer, J. (2018). Optimality is both elusive and necessary. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e236.

  69. ar-Or, S., & Meyer, J. (2019). What is good help? Responses to solicited and unsolicited assistance. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35 (2), 131-139.

  70. Wiczorek, R. & Meyer, J. (2019). Effects of trust, self-confidence, and feedback on the use of decision automation. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 519.

  71. Inbar, O., Meyer, J. (2019). Politeness counts: Perceptions of peacekeeping robots. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 49 (3), 232-240.

  72. Douer, N., & Meyer, J. (2020). The Responsibility Quantification (ResQu) model of human interaction with automation. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 17 (2), 1044-1060.

  73. Meyer, J., Dembinsky, O., & Raviv, T. (2020). Alerting about possible risks vs. blocking risky choices: A quantitative model and its empirical evaluation. Computers and Security, 97, 101944.

  74. Orlovsky, M., Meyer, J., Mitelpunkt, A., Weiss-Meilik, A. (2021). Patient monitoring as a predictor of blood culture results in a tertiary Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Applied Ergonomics, 90, 103233.

  75. Douer, N., & Meyer, J. (2021). Theoretical, Measured and Subjective Responsibility in Aided Decision Making. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Interactive Systems, 11(1), Article 5

  76. Douer, N., & Meyer, J. (2022). Judging own or another person’s responsibility in interactions with automation. Human Factors, 64 (2), 359-371.

  77. Shulman, Y., Meyer, J. (2022). Degrees of perceived control over personal information: Effects of information relevance and levels of processing. IEEE Access. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3167025.

  78. Shulman, Y., Kitkovska, A., Meyer, J. (2022). Informing users: Effects of notification properties and user characteristics on sharing attitudes. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction.

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Conference Proceedings Papers

Meyer, J., Shinar, D., & Leiser, D. (1990). Time estimation of computer "wait" displays. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34th...


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