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Book Chapters

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

  1. Meyer, J. (2004). Personal Vehicle Transportation. In Richard Pew & Susan Van Hemel (eds.) Technology for Adaptive Aging. (pp. 253 – 281). National Research Council, Board on Behavioral, Cognitive and Sensory Sciences, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

  2. Meyer, J. (2006). Responses to dynamic warnings. In M. Wogalter (ed.), Handbook of Warnings. (pp. 221-230). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ. (Reviewed publication)

  3. Meyer, J. (2006). Psychology in industry and organizations. Appendix to S. M. Kosslyn and R. S. Rosenberg, Psychology in Context, 3rd edition. Pearson Education, Inc. Allyn and Bacon: Boston, MA.

  4. Lavie, T., & Meyer, J. (2007). Adaptive user interfaces and personalization. In W. Karwowski (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors, 2nd Edition (pp. 1004-1007). Taylor & Francis.

  5. Meyer, J. (2008). In-vehicle telematic systems and the older driver. In F. Kohlbacher and C. Herstatt (eds.) The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change (pp. 381-390). Springer Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

  6. Meyer, J. (2011). In-vehicle telematic systems and the older driver. In F. Kohlbacher and C. Herstatt (eds.) The Silver Market Phenomenon: Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society (2nd Edition). Springer Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg.

  7. Meyer, J., & Lee, J. D. (2013). Trust, reliance and compliance. In J. D. Lee and A. Kirlik (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering. Oxford University Press.

  8. Meyer, J. (2016). Cooperation between Israel and Germany on coping with emerging threats. In A. Wittstock (ed.) Rapprochement, Change, Perception and Shaping the Future: 50 years of Israel-German Diplomatic Relations (pp. 237-250). Frank & Timme Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur, Berlin, Germany.

  9. Eisler, S., & Meyer, J. (in press). Visual Analytics and Human Involvement in Machine Learning. In Rokach, L., Maimon, O., and Shmueli, E. (eds). Machine Learning for Data Science Handbook: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Handbook. Springer

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Edited Volumes

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Refereed Journal Articles

Orr, E., Liran, E. & Meyer, J. (1986). Compulsory military service as a challenge and a threat. Israel Social Sciences Research, 4, 5-20....

Articles submitted for publication

Avraham, R., Meyer, J. & Pelled, O. Allocation of Liability between Internet Service Providers and End-Users––a Theoretical Perspective...



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Department of Industrial Engineering
Tel-Aviv University
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